…And So It Begins

Published On: February 11, 2021Categories: 3d Printing, Cameras, Critters, Technology

I have been playing with the Raspberry Pi for a while now, and have been particularly interested in using it as a camera. Typically there are several running around the house, peeping out of the windows or maybe watching who comes to the door. One day I was outside and I noticed several large holes in the planter.

I thought, “Hey, I have a bunch of cameras. Let’s watch some critters!” So I went about setting up the cameras outside.
I would not call it elegant, and it certainly was not weather-proof, but it was functional, and I found out what critters were digging around out there.
You can see in the mix of equipment I used, including one of my first camera housings.
This one has a Raspberry Pi 4 and a wide-angle lens. I will break down the evolution of the design in further contributions, and critique the different efforts, but for now, back to critters.
A Chickadee.
We saw a few opossum wandering by.
And Chipmunks.
In case you are wondering what happened with our rat problem, we started seeing someone new frequent the area, and the rats disappeared.
The neighbor’s cat.

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